Photos from a field trip with the Ukrainian NGO "truth hounds" in Kherson Oblast in 2023. They investigated and documented war crimes.
District administration destroyed by shelling, Mykolaiv
Rustislav, whose mother was killed by shelling, in the garden by a Russian rocket that landed there, Davydiv Brid
House of Cultures destroyed by shelling, Wyssokopillja
Destroyed class room, Wyssokopillja
Library of the House of Culture, Wyssokopillja
Destroyed church where a trench was digged in by Russian soldiers, Pot‘omkyne
Destroyed church, Pot‘omkyne
Oleg in front of his destroyed garden house with a Russian rocket still in it, Pot‘omkyne
Oleg on his farm showing forbidden flechette ammunition, Pot‘omkyne
Oleg's garden with collected remains of Russian rockets and one of his cats sitting next to it, Pot‘omkyne
Volodymir Ivanovoch in his destroyed farm, employed up to 80 workers during his season, and many of his fields were also mined by Russians, Davydiv Brid
Mikola's shepherd dog with a "Z" carved on its muzzle by Russian soldiers, Novodmytrivka